“Being realistic is the most common path to mediocrity” - Will Smith “I’m just being realistic.” - Too many people talking to themselves (or others). “I hear what you’re saying, but how about you try to be more realistic?” - So many people you … [Read more...]
3 Risks to Take This Week: The Reward Will Be Worth It!
Hello, business friends! I’d love for us to do something together this Sunday, that will ensure that by the time this week passes and we find ourselves once again back at Sunday, you’ll have seen real, forward movement in your business AND in your own personal levels … [Read more...]
The Best Things Come to Those Who TRY: Here’s Why You Must Take Your Chance
Repeat after me: The best things come to those who try, not to those who wait! Got that? Okay! Now, let me tell you a thirty-second story: Nearly 13 years ago I made the decision to move from Chicago, where I was working as a teacher, to New York City. I barely … [Read more...]
On Beginnings, Confidence, and Bravery, and How to Get More of All Three
I have a love/hate relationship with beginnings. On the one hand, they are bursting at the seams with potential, with opportunities both obvious and unknown, and in many ways they are only limited by our minds and the amount of work and focus we want (and can) put into … [Read more...]
Valentine’s Day Mad Libs AKA How to Remember to Love Yourself
Happy Valentine’s Day! Confession: Valentine’s Day in this house may have consisted of hanging spice racks and bookshelves along with a pantry reorganization, but I’ll tell you what: I wouldn’t have it any other way! I'll swoon over an alphabetized and organized … [Read more...]
12 Powerful Affirmations for Happiness & Success
I'm just going to own it: I'm pretty well known for my positive attitude and boundless energy. Heck, I was even born on the 4th of July and I've been a firecracker since birth. Because of my personality, people often ask me for tips to keep them feeling happy, … [Read more...]
Here’s How I Bust Through Creative Blocks, As Seen in American Airlines Magazine
"The desire to create is one of the deepest yearnings of the human soul." Psst: Find more awesome quotes on creativity at the end of this post! This month I had the chance to talk to American Airline's magazine about something that is an essential component of … [Read more...]
Stop Feeling Stuck & Start Moving Toward What You Want: We’re Gonna Do It in 3 Steps!
Pause for a moment and picture your ideal life, both personally and professionally. How would you spend your time? What would you like to be doing for a living? What do your passion and purpose look like when they're on the outside of you, living, breathing and doing … [Read more...]
I’m Laying Down a Challenge: Dress Like You Mean It
I’m ushering a new era into my life, and like any good pattern-breaker or behavior-starter knows, one way to hold yourself accountable and encourage yourself to keep taking acting on a said plan (or era) is to share it with your friends, family and world. With that in … [Read more...]