Pause for a moment and picture your ideal life, both personally and professionally. How would you spend your time? What would you like to be doing for a living? What do your passion and purpose look like when they’re on the outside of you, living, breathing and doing what you dream of in your ideal vision? Now think of where you are right now. I’m assuming you feel a disconnect. Perhaps you feel stuck, with a roadblock between where you are and where you want to be, in some areas of your life. Maybe it’s work, maybe it’s love, maybe you’re doing what you love but it’s not looking the way you imagined it would – from workload to wallet. The where-you-are-now and the where-you-want-to-be are not matching up. And that’s not a pleasant feeling.
I hear you, and I get you, trust me. For some, it’s a small stuck, an “I’m almost there, I’m nearly there, it’s within reach but I just can’t seem to fully get there yet”, for others it’s a big stuck, like “I am not happy with where I am now, but the life that I want feels too impossibly far away to begin thinking about without getting stress headache or anxiety.” I understand you because I will totally own having been both places, feeling both kinds of stuck, in more than one time in my life. It’s frustrating on a good day and it can be scary or paralyzing on a bad one. It’s often accompanied by a voice inside of you reminding you – nagging you – repeating, “This isn’t right yet”. Wherever you are on that Stuck Spectrum if you will, I’ll tell you one thing I know for sure: That voice isn’t going away. In fact, it’s probably going to get louder. But that’s okay, in fact that’s good, because it’s that voice inside of you that will become a catalyst, a nudge or a shove to move in the direction you need to move to improve your life. That inner voice is the most important thing you’ll ever listen to, so don’t bury it under other thoughts or tasks or frustrations, let’s welcome it into the room and address it.
That voice has told you that you’re feeling stuck, and it led you over here to find ways to address it. Let’s own that, and give it what it asked for, because a few of the obstacles that are keeping you stuck are self-created and the good news about that is that they can be broken down by you as well, opening clearing the path to more meaningful success and joy in your life.
1. Give yourself permission to fully believe all your personal and professional intentions and goals will be realized.
Yes that’s right, it’s time you fully believe, and by that I mean you have to let the chatter in your mind, the doubt, shyness and fear – all of it – have to be let go (or as much as possible) and you have to believe. Believe it hard. Believe you deserve it. Believe without conditions, or limitations. Stop thinking the success and happiness you want only happens to other people. Make a shift in your mind and believe and see it coming to you. YES YOU. Your limiting beliefs are preventing you away from getting “it”, from accessing it within you, from your great IT. These limiting beliefs are serving no one. They’re not serving yourself, keeping you stuck where you don’t want to be because you don’t believe you can have what you want, don’t think you deserve it, don’t think you have the capacity to go and get it, don’t allow yourself to belief without pause or hesitation that you can have it. Those beliefs certainly don’t serve the world, full of people who the the fully-believing-you could impact more if you fully believed all that is meant for you can and will happen to you. For you. For the world.
Give yourself permission to fully believe all your intentions and goals will be realized. #GetUnstuck Click To Tweet
2. Start Fully Seeing Your Goals Happen on the Inside First.
See the things you want happening to you, from the inside out. Picture the details. Visualize IT. Oh yes, I’m bringing in visualization, and not because I’m getting all spiritual or “woo woo” (as one of my colleagues calls it). Not just because I believe visualization helps draw closer to you the things you want (though I do), but because picturing what you want changes the way you act and behave while you’re on the road to getting it. The more you visualize the life that you want on the inside, the more you begin to act as if you already have it, on the outside. You carry yourself differently, you speak to people differently, you speak about yourself in a more powerful way, your attitude evolves, the way you spend your time is edited, your trajectory changes direction… All of those shifts start pointing you and pushing you towards the success and happiness you feel you’re currently blocked from. Like Buddha said, “What we think we become.”
Want to get unstuck? Start fully visualizing your goals happening on the inside first. Click To Tweet
3. Trust That in Daily, Structured, Silent Moments You’ll Find the Answers
Filling our days with noise and things-to-do is one of the surest ways to avoid the awareness that we are feeling stuck, or unhappy, or unsure about what to do in different areas of our life that could use some TLC. That silence can be scary, when you’re faced with nothing but yourself and, well inner self. But that’s just what you need right now, and in pockets every day. You need that time to be silent, because that’s also the place from which all the good things spring. It’s where you begin to listen to what your soul is telling you to do, it’s when whoever or whatever it is that you believe in – God, the universe, your spirit – begins to awaken really powerful things inside of you. I personally meditate daily to capture moments of silence for myself. I move to as quiet a place as possible, I pick a mantra I can focus on if I get distracted, and I quiet my body and mind. It’s not always easy – the making the time and the quieting of the mind – but my dedication to it has lit up my life from the inside, out. Meditation isn’t for everyone, but finding still moments is for anyone who wants to be happier and more successful, so find your method and get a dose of it daily.
Giving yourself the chance to let go, get quiet and be still is a necessary part of getting what you want and moving even more quickly towards it, because those moments hold within them a powerful energy that helps you feel both laser focused in the pursuit of what you want while also filled with the awareness that your possibilities and opportunities are limitless.
Let go & give into your need for moments of stillness. That's where your answers are... Click To Tweet
Want to feel unstuck? Want to live your dream? Want IT? Believe me when I tell you that you can have it because you do – you already do. The power to create that life you want is within you, and what you seek on a grand, joyful, unbounded, level is already seeking you. Now you just need to get unstuck and out of your own way. You need to fully believe, visualize and create space for it within moments of stillness. Remove yourself from blocking your path to the job you desire and the life you really want and instead start running on that very path to get to those things even faster.
Here’s what you need to do next:
- Write down these steps or print out this post, and commit to making a conscious effort to include them in your life every day – even if it feels awkward at first. Do them while feeling awkward, you’ll end up feeling awesome.
- Share this post with friends who could use it – who may be feeling stuck themselves – via email or social media. Be the friend whose feed is filled with useful information for others – they’ll be grateful for it! In fact, here’s a tweet you can share with them now:
I’d love to know how you deal with feeling stuck or blocked in your own life? Have any strategies you use to cope with those moments? Share them in the comments below!
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