You can call Dorothy Cascerceri several things: An on-air celebrity and lifestyle expert, an entertainment journalist, the host of Celebrity Corner TV show, a motivational speaker, a media pro…But what I love to call her most is self-made. And in the video below she talks about just show she does it!
Have you ever watched a friend or colleague’s success from afar and wondered, “How did she do that?”, “What kind of work and strategy went into making that happen?” or simply thought, “Wow, color me impressed!” That is exactly what I’ve been thinking about Dorothy Cascerceri, an on-air celebrity expert and host of the Celebrity Corner show, for years. The feeling has grown just as her success has, and then a few months ago I ran into her at a party and basically cornered her to ask and say all the above. I loved her honest, candid answers and her success story so much that I invited her to join me on Sabina Knows TV to share it with all of you and she generously said yes! Dorothy is the kind of entrepreneur who doesn’t just hope and pray success comes to her, she goes out and gets it, and in this interview that you can watch below she’ll teach you how to do it as well!
No matter what you are, or are not (yet!) doing with your life in terms of your passion, purpose or career, you’re going to want to set aside some time today to let Dorothy inspire you and infuse you with the courage and the I’ll-work-for-it-until-I-get-it attitude you need to move from dreaming about it to doing it! You may not want a talk show and a regular on-television career like Dorothy, but the lessons she has about dealing with “no’s” and setbacks, about asking for what you want, about bravely taking professional risks and about working hard even when you feel like you have very little left to give, they’re going to recharge you my friends!
Watch Dorothy’s interview right here, and be sure to check the show notes below to get a peek into what we talked about. Heads up: I debated cutting this interview down in the interest of a short segment, but guys and gals I didn’t want you to miss out on anything she had to say so I left all her golden nuggets and proven business and life lessons in for you to enjoy and apply to your own life!
In this interview Dorothy and I talk about:
- Where her career started, and how she made professional decisions along the way that led her to where she is today.
- Closed mouths don’t get fed! What did Dorothy ask for in her career, and how has that shaped her success?
- How she keeps her cool when on-air pressure heats up – and when she’s conducting major interviews (watch and learn her smooth delivery from her reel folks, watch it here!)
- How she landed Celebrity Corner – and the true story about what she had to do to make it happen – from risk taking to big-time asks for support and sponsorship!
- How she turned a “no” into her first full-fledged column.
- This success wasn’t born from luck or favors, it was from hard work – and Dorothy delivers the straight truth about what that work has looked like over the years.
- Advice she has for others who want to follow their passion and purpose!
Follow Dorothy via her website, her Facebook and her Instagram!
Also be sure you subscribe to Sabina Knows TV so you never miss an interview, tip or digital pep talk!
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