Welcome to the download page for your Fully Loaded PR Home Base. If at any time you need support please reach out to support@SabinaKnows.com. This PR Home Base is a planning tool taught and used in your PR for Jewelry Designer Course, please use it in conjunction with the training. Because it’s “fully loaded” with contact and pitch suggestions for the whole year, you’ll be able to jumpstart your PR work and keep it moving all year long.
You can download it below the directions, and continue to download your monthly PR planning guidelines below it.
Please note this is only a temporary instant access home, and then it will be moved into your PR Course dashboard which you will get to know and use better. We placed it here temporarily for your ease.
How to Use This PR Home Base!
You now have access to your downloadable Fully Loaded PR Home Base – though as you’ll see below, we packed in so much PR insider information and planning content that it spilled over into even more PDF’s here. Here’s how best to use this information:
- Download your Fully Loaded PR Home Base and then upload it to Google Drive or somewhere else where you can keep it safe and sound. We suggest Google Drive as you can then update it real -time for all team members, and access it from anywhere in the world. You will be using this PR Home Base throughout the Course and your PR outreach, so you’ll want to keep it protected online!
- PLEASE NOTE Because of the abundance of ideas we created for your monthly PR Planning, those ideas have been moved to PDF’s you can download below and use to fill in a year’s worth or pitch-worthy ideas!
- You’re welcome to customize it with your own brand colors, and add your own logo in the upper left-hand corner!
- Begin taking your PR for Jewelry Designers Course so you can use this document to follow along and begin your PR planning and media research.
- Bring your burning PR questions to every month’s Online Support Sessions!
Please note that columns and rows can need an adjustment when being uploaded and downloaded depending on your computer or platform you’re viewing them in. Be sure you expand it fully to read all contact notes and planning guidelines.**Access Monthly Pitch & Planning Ideas Below.
A Note About Your New Fully Loaded Media Contacts
In order to give you a kickstart to your media outreach, we’ve added some go-to accessories editors and jewelry press to your PR Home Base.
You now have access to the contact details of several members of the accessories and jewelry press. Remember, in order to make that insight work for you, you need to work on developing relationships with them and sending them the right pitch! We’ll talk about that during our upcoming PR Home Base Training.
Also, remember that not every editor will be a good fit for your brand, so be sure you use this list as a starting point, and first research their work as well as get to know them on social media. The Course will guide you through the relationship growing skills and strategies you need to do that well!
Does an email address no longer work? The media industry is very fluid lately, and editors move around as publishing houses are purchased and downsize.You can expect that at some point some contacts will need to be updated. Use your media outreach and research skills taught in the Course to help you do that, and let us supplement those skills in our live online support sessions together!
Now dive in and get to know your PR Home Base!
Monthly Planning Themes & Pitchspiration
How will you fill your months of PR planning strategically without missing any timely celebrations, observances, or themes? Use these monthly PR Planning Themes and Pitchspiration! We created so many (10+for each month) ideas and planning suggestions that they spilled out of the PR Home Base and had to be moved into these Jewelry Designer PR Planning PDF’s. Use them when planning out your quarters.
REMEMBER: Before investing time into creative or thematic pitches, create at least one Jewelry Brand Introduction Pitch you can send to your media targets to introduce yourself and your business. There are samples of this email in your course. You’ll learn how to do that in the PR for Jewelry Designer’s Course and we’ll talk about that more in our upcoming PR Home Base Training Session.
Click on the name of the month to download the Jewelry Designer PR Planning Guides:
(Download a Zip File of them all together via PDF, HERE)
Not sure how best to incorporate these plans and ideas into your PR outreach or what comes next? We’ll discuss that during our upcoming PR Home Base Training Session.